John Micklethwaite-Howe BA DipLA CMLI is a Chartered Landscape Architect and Urban Designer. In a career that encompasses working within both the private and public sector, John offers award winning design skills and proven ability as a project manager and environmental co-ordinator. Benefiting from international landscape design experience, John has worked in Europe, the Middle East and North America.
With a creative drive and dedication to client service he provides a focus for the design skills in BHA. He has particular experience of working with communities and designers to create innovative solutions that make a positive contribution to the landscape and social infrastructure.
John also leads the environmental assessment expertise within the practice, with extensive experience of LVIA across commercial, energy, healthcare, highways, light rail, mineral extraction and residential projects.

Peter Thompson BA(Hons) DipLA NDip Hort NCert Hort CMLI is a Chartered Landscape Architect and qualified Horticulturalist.
Peter's expertise includes detailed landscape design, heritage projects, restoration, landscape management, landscape and visual assessment, education projects and contract management
In addition to being a Chartered Landscape Architect, Peter is also a qualified Horticulturalist with wide ranging horticultural knowledge and particular expertise in arboricultural related matters including tree surveys and arboricultural impact assessments.
He has extensive experience of project managing large scale projects, both in the UK and overseas, including heritage restoration projects and green infrastructure planning, together with contract management/administration of both hard and soft landscape projects. Peter has also won several awards for his work.
George Barton BA BPhil is a landscape consultant to the practice with extensive experience of landscape projects both within the UK and overseas.
George has experience working in both public and private sectors, and at all scales of enterprise from specialist consultancies to large international companies. He has been responsible, as both Partner and Director, for the growth of several UK environmental consultancies playing a leading role as business manager and leader.
He brings a wealth of experience to BHA with recognised skills in landscape assessment, design, project management, contract landscape management and community engagement. George has a passion for assisting communities in realising maximum benefit from their local environment.
His achievements include design awards for housing, reclamation, and recreation projects.